2022/23 school year textbook pricelist

Items Price (HK$)
First Term
First Term Theme book – I Love China $59.70
Theme book –Tak Tak, Fly! $59.70
Theme book – Save the Little Dolphin $59.70
Fun Around Us-Pupil’s Book 5 $54.60
Turn it on / Wow, It is Banana Poop! / New Hairstyles $43.80/copy
Bible Story Book Volume 5 $28.80
Second Term
Second Term Theme book – Dong Dong’s twenty dollars $59.70
Theme book –Da Da River $59.70
Fun Around Us-Pupil’s Book 6 $54.60
Super Grandma / Where Does Rain Come From? / Mammoth Mum $43.80/copy
Bible Story Book Volume 6 $28.80

2020/21 school year textbook pricelist

Items Price (HK$)
First Term
First Term Theme book – I Love China $57.90
Theme book – Tak Tak, Fly! $57.90
Theme book – Save the Little Dolphin $57.90
Fun Around Us-Pupil’s Book 5 $52.80
Turn it on / Wow, It is Banana Poop! / New Hairstyles $42.40/copy
Bible Story Book Volume 5 $31.50
Second Term
Second Term Theme book – Dong Dong’s twenty dollars $57.90
Theme book –Da Da River $57.90
Fun Around Us-Pupil’s Book 6 $52.80
Super Grandma / Where Does Rain Come From? / Mammoth Mum $42.40/copy
Bible Story Book Volume 6 $31.50