"Childlike Innocence & Child-centric"

With 'child-centric' as our core value, we recognize and respect the interests, development and abilities of children.
Through a variety of learning activities, we explore, practice and experience with children using a contextualized thematic model that they can apply to their lives, driving and sustaining their interest and motivation in learning. Children with different characteristics and needs can enjoy learning on the same campus.

"Child’s Interest & Learning through Play"

We have created fun and interactive corner games for children to learn through play. Children learn and enjoy learning, enhancing their independent learning and self-management skills.
Appropriate play not only helps children to express their emotions and enjoy the experience, but also further enhances their cognitive, physical, social, creative and problem-solving development.
To get children to love learning, we must first give them play!

"Child’s Fun & Caring for All Ages"

Children from different classes interact, get along and having fun together in a specific mixed-age time every day.
Interaction between people is a key element of social development. Mixed-age activities connect children of different grades to learn, to help and to love each other while getting along, and further establish a campus culture of care, appreciation, and responsibility. All teachers and students are members of the school!

"Child’s Pleasure Joyous of Picture Books"

We are committed to promoting picture book reading as a special feature of our curriculum. 
We organize different types of activities in which picture books serve as a channel of life education for children and parents to establish positive values, and learn to appreciate the truth, goodness and beauty of surroundings. Readers of all ages will love picture books.